This list of potential topics is not exhaustive and serves only as general guide to past presentations delivered. Please feel free to suggest a topic. Forty years of experience in the field of education (almost 30 years in home education) in many capacities has given Léo a unique perspective on what education really is!
This presentation explains that unschooling is simply working with a child’s natural learning ability without having to resort to the school’s way of doing things. It is not un-parenting. It is not un-structured. It is not un-disciplined. It is not un-learning, nor is it un-acceptable. Un-schooling is simply not doing school and it is as diverse in its application as the uniqueness of each child.
Fears and Concerns in Home Education
At every stage of home education parents will encounter fears and concerns. Fears and concerns are to be expected whenever we determine to follow an unfamiliar path. The antidote for a fear or concern is a solution, and the best solution is always simple. This presentation offers parents some simple solutions for their concerns.
Dispelling Educational Myths
This presentation describes a consistently Christian perspective on education in contrast to many common ideas. God gives children to families, not churches or governments. In Christian home education, we develop what God has already created. Learning is natural and doesn’t require a school. Children will learn when they are ready. All children are different and progress at a different rate but school treats them as if they were all the same.
Meet Education Unlimited
This session is primarily intended to inform Alberta home educators and potential home educators about the choices we have within this province with respect to notification (registration) and the implications each has for home education. Emphasis is given as to why we feel your best choice may be the ministry known as Education Unlimited.
Home Education 101
Everything needs a foundation upon which to build and home education is no different. This presentation looks at the fundamentals of a Christian home education, addressing the need to think and act differently than what one would expect in an institutional setting.
Home Schooling or Home Education – What is the difference?
Although the terms home education and home schooling are used interchangeably, the processes are not the same. This presentation is not a debate on which term should be used but an examination of the trends and possibilities of home education in Alberta.
What About Post-Secondary?
One of the greatest concerns of home education is that it will limit post-secondary options for the student. This presentation will attempt to address those fears through a discussion of what these options entail and a brief review of what the presenter has done about home education post-secondary issues.
Career Planning
Difficult to address within any educational institution and often the greatest cry of young men and women, this presentation looks at careers through a Christian perspective and offers suggestions for making the right decision.
The Portfolio
First advanced as a home education tool by the speaker nearly 15 years ago, the portfolio has been presented in many different ways. This presentation reviews the history of the home education portfolio, what it should and what it should not include.
Preparing For College
Getting accepted to a post-secondary institution is only the first step for a higher education. Being prepared for what will be presented in this setting is a bigger concern that will be instrumental in determining the end result of this experience. This presentation encourages being fully prepared.
Curriculum! Curriculum! What should I do?
Developed by Faye, presented by Léo, this session will help home educators and potential home educators address the most common issues regarding curriculum choice.
Parenting – How We Did It And What We Learned
It has long been known that the key to success of any child lies with the parent’s involvement. Although this presentation is just a cursory look at what parenting entails, parents should be encouraged and empowered by the personal experience of the presenter(s).
Believing in Creation – Implications for Educational Choice
Education is not restricted to pencil and books. Everything that is presented in one’s life has a bearing on decisions made and every decision has its consequences both good and bad. This presentation addresses the thorny issue of origins and why a clear understanding of the issues is important.